Calorie Deficit Calculator.

Losing Weight Calculator

This calculator will estimate your daily calorie requirements for losing, maintaining and gaining weight. It will then tell you your caloric requirement to maintain your new target weight after reaching your goal. Entering data in the "body fat percentage" field is optional, but adding data from a body composition test should give you a slightly more accurate total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) result.

Enter Your Basic InfoAmount
Your age:
Your height: ft. in.
Current Weight, Body Fat & ActivityAmount
Your weight: lbs.
Body fat percentage (optional): %
Daily activity level:
Your Weight GoalAmount
Pounds you wish to : lbs.
to achieve goal:
Your ResultsCalories
Daily calories required to maintain current weight:
Daily calories required meet desired goal:
Daily calories to maintain new weight level after reaching goal:

Losing Weight is Gaining Life

Health issues stem from obesity, so getting a handle on weight loss leads to healthier futures.  Weight loss calculator brings precision to weight loss efforts, estimating the number of calories required for various weight scenarios.  The feedback provided illustrates caloric intake needed to maintain present weight as well as what would be necessary for gaining or losing weight.

Numerous incentives exist for losing weight, supported by empirical information furnished by the weight loss calculator.  If there is any doubt about improved standards of living resulting from weight loss, consider the following recommendations for healthier lifestyles

Weight Loss Realities

Scientific research and anecdotal cases studies both provide data suggesting that losing weight improves health and leads to better outcomes for those conquering obesity.  Whether increased longevity, or better quality of life, staying healthy through weight loss has many benefits.

Woman Meditating.

  • Clarity of Mind – Studies suggest that people carrying extra weight are more likely to experience dementia than those maintaining healthy weights. Causes of the phenomenon are not exactly clear; perhaps relating to fat carried in the abdomen or hormonal changes resulting from it. Significant percentages of added dementia risk come with obesity.
  • Cancer Risk – General good health helps the body beat back harmful influences, including cancer.  Studies show that obesity enhances cancer risk, especially among women.  Hormones produced by fat may be responsible for increased breast cancer risk, as well as other forms of cancer impacting women.  Estrogen responds to lost weight, reducing the amount produced.  There is also reason to believe women suffering from cancer recover faster at optimal weights, than women carrying extra pounds.  The two-fold benefit provides powerful incentives for losing excess fat.
  • Heart Health – There is a strong causal relationship between obesity and heart ailments, confirmed by targeted research in the area.  In addition to high cholesterol and diabetes risk, elevated heart-attack occurrences are documented among obese patients.  In fact, overweight Americans are much more likely to experience heart difficulties at younger ages, than those maintaining healthy body mass indexes. Dietary changes, including eating more green vegetables, stimulate weight loss and add important heart-healthy calories.
  • Exercise Tolerance – Losing weight increases your ability to exercise, and makes the effort more productive and enjoyable.  General mobility benefits are also realized by shedding extra pounds, yielding higher standards of living for those willing to lose weight.
  • Save Money – Weight loss benefits go beyond improved health, including financial savings.  Overweight individuals stricken by diabetes and other chronic diseases pay significantly higher amounts for health care than others with healthier body mass indexes.
  • Better Breathing – Sleep apnea and other breathing irregularities are more common among obese patients than seen in the general population.  Asthma also occurs more frequently among overweight patients. Treatment is also compromised by obesity, because some studies suggest that the steroids used to ease symptoms are not as effective when used by obese patients.
  • Keep Normal Functions – In addition to benefits directly tied to the heart, losing weight also protects the body's other organs.  Liver and gallbladder studies, for instance, show relationships between obesity and decreased functioning of these organs.

Healthy Elderly Couple.