This calculator will estimate how much money you will save if you quit smoking. Plus, it will also estimate how much interest you could earn on those savings if you invest them as you realize them.
Quit Smoking Today
Anti-smoking efforts have been stepped up over time, responding to known health threats tied to the habit. Early on, tobacco companies and consumers turned blind eyes to the negative impacts associated with cigarette smoking, but as evidence mounted it became too hard to ignore.
In addition to health risks, tobacco is an expensive habit – just to buy the cigarettes. Quit smoking calculator illustrates dollars spent on tobacco, even going as far as to include the potential interest missed-out on when financial resources are used to buy smoking materials, rather than being placed in investments. Sticker-shock is common, for the calculator illuminates huge blocks of cash devoted to the habit, compounded by the missed investment income.
There are myriad reasons to leave the habit behind, even for committed smokers who have spent years hooked on cigarettes. As you prepare to shed the smoking ball-and-chain, consider the following reasons for letting go.
Quitting Smoking Improves Health Outlooks
Not only does smoking cost a lot of money, but the habit carries undeniable health impacts. Smoker's lungs are at risk from breathing-in smoke, but the damage to the body does not stop there.
- Increased Risk of Diabetes – Though it is not the first disease coming to mind when smoking cessation is on the table, diabetes risk is increased among those smoking cigarettes, especially when combined with other factors like obesity. Studies show that type-2 diabetes occurs more commonly among smokers, rising in frequency according to the number of cigarettes smoked on average per day.
- Impact on Appearance – Smokers are subject to changes in appearance, from what the cigarette smoke does inside the body, as well as its impact on skin, hair, and nails. Premature wrinkles are common among smokers, especially forming heavy creases around the eyes and face. Discoloration of the fingers is also common among heavy smokers, as well as yellow, stained teeth. Cessation stops the impacts from progressing, and allows features to bounce-back to a certain extent.
- Digestive Problems – Smoking takes its toll on the body, even undermining digestive health. Crohn's disease and other disorders are linked to smoking as well as ulcers and gall bladder issues. Smokers with heartburn might be seeing the early signs of ongoing damage caused by smoking.
- Increased Cancer Risk – Smoking is associated with lung cancer, one of the most prolific causes of death worldwide, but the habit ups the risk for other cancers too. Lifespans are shorter for smokers than for their non-smoking counterparts, some cut short by various cancers. Stomach, kidney, and pancreatic cancer, for example, develop more regularly among smokers.
- Smoking Drains Finances – As efforts to limit smoking increase, disincentives are placed on tobacco products, in the form of additional taxes and fees. As a result, packages of cigarettes once costing pennies, now tap smokers for several dollars each pack. Viewed over time, the financial impact is astonishing. Quit smoking calculator spells it out in no uncertain terms, providing a cash incentive for letting go of the habit – as if the health risks are not substantial enough. Use the fiscal motivation to bolster your resolve, as you stay on the path to better health, saving cigarette money for more important purchases.